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Rome 2000 Fotos

Weslaco Youth Group
Bedtime in the gym
Sanctuary of Blessed Nunzio Sulprizo
Hill Side Ancient Homes
Abbey of San Clemente
Via Italia Square with the Zambian and Welaco Groups
Beachside in Pescara
Anglo-Irish Group
With Weslaco and Zambia Groups at train station from Pescara to Rome
Getting some sleep on Train Ride to Rome
Opening Ceremonies at St. Peter's Square
With the Alaskan Group at Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Jessica from Juneau
Pilgrim Feet
On the Appian Way with Don McMahon
Circus on the Appian Way
Gate of San Sebastian on the Appian Way 
Tor Vegata - Site of the Papal Mass
The Circus in Pompeii
Pompeii - Mt Vesuvius in the background
Mural in Pompeii
Pompeii Bath house
Pompeii Mural with Don McMahon